Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Has Anyone Ever Skied He Devil in the Seven Devils Range to the Salmon River?

Here at Palouse Backcountry we are all about dreaming big. I often wonder about unskied lines in Idaho and to me the most obvious is a ski descent from the summit of He Devil or She Devil to the Salmon River. This would be a ski line of about 8,000 feet or so and would take an exceptional snow year and a ton of logistics. From what I know of the routes it would probably take at least one or two rappels as well. I know people often ski Windy Saddle and occasionally venture deeper into the range in Spring but I have never heard of anyone skiing off any of the summits. There is just so little information about skiing in Idaho's Seven Devils Range.

It would probably take more snow than this! Photo:Hughes Real Estate Group

East Ridge of He Devil in August. Photo: Klenke/SummitPost

If anyone has any information about anyone who has skied the high peaks of the Seven Devils, I think that that information would be highly valuable to people who enjoy ski mountaineering history in Idaho. It seems this project would take a professional crew the likes of Chris Davenport but how cool would it be if it were a University of Idaho student or a river guide from Riggins. Dream Big!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Moscow Mountain Winter/Spring 2012 Photo Dump

Here are a few pictures to help stoke the Moscow/Pullman skiers. The snow on Moscow Mountain is surprisingly deep and often powder. Get out and explore the old Tammarack Ski Area and the cliffs of East Moscow Mountain.

Small Avalanche crown below East Moscow Mountain Lookout

Frozen and new avalanche debris in trees below face.

Frozen debris from old slides.

Does not look like much from the parking lot on Tammarack Road.

Salomon Face below the Moscow Mountain Snotel Site.

Glades on the South Side of Moscow Mountian.

Salomon Face

Looking down to the parking lot from the East Moscow Mountain lookout area.

Corn conditions below the lookout.

South face of East Moscow Mountain.

I hope this encourages folk to go and explore there backyards. Treat the upper mountain as you would any avalanche terrain. The easiest ways to the top include folllowing the road or skinning directly up the west side of the hill via a cut path through the trees, past a clearcut and directly up the Southeast face of East Moscow Mountain. After a few trips you can find the path of least resistance. Please be aware that others may be hiking below when dropping in and know they most likely do not have transcievers. I have seen the entire face settle about an inch while multiple people were skiing on a sunny weekend. Be carefull not to be complacent on this seemingly insignificat ski run. Also beware of large cliffs in the area. Happy Hunting and stay safe.

Stevens Peak, North Idaho Spring 2012 Photo Dump:

Here are a series of beta photos from various ski tours into St. Regis Basin and East Willow Creek Basin during the spring of 2012. I hope they help with future exploration.

Couliors in Upper St. Regis Basin

Stevens Peak Northeast Face and North Ridge

Stevens Peak from the North Ridge

One of the North East Couliors. (note traverse ledges on the right hand side)

Top portion on main NE Coulior
NE face

NE Coulior in July 2012

Great skiing whenever you can get it! Lookout Pass has alot to offer and these are just the main objectives. There are literally hundreds of other lines within a few mile of the Highway. Happy Hunting. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

2012-2013 Ski Season

Sorry for the long lull in post. My friend Steve Romeo the author behind TetonAT and a huge personal inspiration died in an avalanche on Ranger Peak in Grand Teton National Park on March 7,2012 and it really sent me into a period of soul searching. Their will be post for the 2012-2013 season but if you feel like being a contributor to this blog please email me at Thanks and stay tuned for more.

North East Couloir on Stevens Peak July 17, 2012. The last day of the 2011-2012 Season!